Name: Street: TOWN: Post Code: Country (if outside UK): Prices - If key collected from the support BBS œ10:00 If the key is to be posted œ11:00 (œ1:00 extra covers P&P + 3.5" disk) (orders from outside UK plus œ5:00) I wish to register copies of FLISTTDH at œ10:00 per copy. plus œ P&P (œ1:00 UK - œ5:00 overseas) I enclose a cheque/postal order for œ made payable to C.Birch Please fill in the following EXACTLY as they appear in the CONFIG.RA file. Reg User name : The details MUST be EXACTLY as they appear in CONFIG.RA Reg user Post Code: You MUST include your Post Code (Zip Code) If collecting key from the BBS please give the following details so that a record can be created for you :- Name for log-on : Password : Where did you get the software ? (if a BBS please give the name and number): Please send the completed form to: C.Birch (FDLISTTDH) 21 Berw Road PONTYPRIDD Mid Glamorgan S.Wales CF37 2AA The support BBS can be found on (01443) 400327 24hrs 2400 - 28800 Fidonet 2:442/618 If collecting your key via the BBS please allow time for your cheque to arrive and be cleared. If registering from outside the UK please note, all cheques must be in Pounds Sterling and drawn on a British bank and MUST include extra œ5:00 to cover mailing etc unless being collected from the support BBS.